Is There a Cassette of Dolly Parton’s Rockstar?
Well, yes, there is a rare cassette of Dolly’s new rock album. But it’s weird and I need to sort it out.
First off, I did not know that Dolly Parton made a rock covers/originals album until reading a recent issue of Stream N’ Destroy.
The album is called Rockstar and is a sort of response to her being inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall Of Fame.
What struck me funny is the description of Dolly’s cassette sales of this album:
(As reported by Ryan J Downey):
“The album did 118,500 in pure album sales and 128,000 in total activity. That breaks down to 78,000 CDs, 18,000 vinyl LPs, 22,000 paid digital downloads, 9500 in streaming-equivalent albums, and a negligible amount of cassettes.”
A negligible amount? Ha!
The funny thing is that I am happy cassette sales got a mention. I will take a ‘negligible tape sales’ shout-out, any day.
Even the small amount of tape sales at least means there is at least a tape released. Cool (even if I don’t think I will be buying it.
Except there is not (at least one that I can find) a regular version of Rockstar on cassette tape. But there is a version.
I guess it’s sort of a version of this 4 LP Pink Rockstar on Amazon. (This is as good a time as any to give you a heads-up that I am an affiliate of Amazon)
So there is no normal cassette version of Rockstar, but there is a limited edition version floating around out there.
Where do you purchase Dolly’s “Rockstar” cassette?
I found one on eBay. One. And it’s probably gone now but take a look to see if it’s still there. Going for $45 (at the time of me writing this).
You would think it would be on here website and it is nowhere to be found.
Sort of bizarre. I am tempted to ask the eBay seller where they got theirs but I am too lazy.
My working theory on this seemingly rare Dolly Parton tape, is that was sent to radio stations as a promo package of some sort, but there isn’t a regular cassette of Rockstar out there to buy.
Guess I will preview some of the music and call it a day for now as I get weirded out listening to Dolly Parton singing Purple Rain:
Okay, good looking out for some Dolly. BTW, one of Dolly’s friends (Willie Nelson) has a lot of cassettes that you might want to check out too.