I listened to it, sides a & b, in one sitting while scrolling the internets and writing blog posts.
I have to say that it is excellent music to scroll and write to. I especially liked “Praying”, “Pothole Musique” and “I’m All of What I Can’t Be”. Chris felt this music would sound best on tape and I agree.
Sounds, shades, and tone wonders, it truly is, in the best way.
Remeber, I love getting free cassettes to listen to. If you are a musician or label and want to send me a tape because you are super cool, send to:
The Tape Player co Mike Seay 2037 W. Bullard Ave #153 Fresno, CA 93711
Of course, my first question was “Did they make a tape?” Most of the time it is “no” but not today, they did make a tape!
The cassette is going for $16, which is pricey, especially when the CD is $17 (and only $14 on Amazon). I am not sure what to say about that, does that mean the cassette is getting so much respect the record company feels it is nearly as valuable as a CD?
This is cool. But also, the cheaper price is a major factor in collecting tapes – I hope these prices are only a major release of a new album, prices, and not the new norm.
Of the three free preview songs on their Bandcamp, my favorite is “Night Or Day”
Heads up!: At the time of posting this, there are only seven cassettes left.
P.S. Look at what tickets are going for FOR their album-supporting tour, here.
G.I. Sanders owns North Texas Vinyl and I saw him come across my Instagram feed today, listing what he thinks are the top ten albums of 2024.
I don’t know Mr. Sanders or anything but it seemed like a good list that I wanted to pass on to you.
Of course, there is not going to be cassettes available for all of these (I am pretty upset there is not Cassette for Pearl Jam’s “Dark Matter”). In fact, I only found one cassette on this list. Bummer. Enjoy still:
I have not been listening to enough new music this year to come up with my own top ten of the year, so I am defaulting to this one and many others in music media – for instance, check out Bandcamp’s various lists of 2024 essentials.
Somehow, even though I love Jerry Cantrell/Alice In Chains, I forgot he had a new album out this year. I played it through my Amazon Music app as I compiled this post. I will have to go out and get it as it’s good.
I will agree with Pearl Jam’s “Dark Matter” high ranking. I have the CD (sadly there is no cassette) and love it.
Hopefully, there will be more tapes made from new albums in 2025, but for now, this is what we have.
Looking forward to whatever music and new cassettes come our way this year!
I was wondering Cassette Tape YouTube and watched and enjoyed these video that I thought you might like too.
Like the above review of the EZcap TapeDigi 1. It’s pretty cool how you can record radio onto an SD card (not that it’s better than recording onto a cassette *wink* or anything.
I have to tell you, I am enjoying getting tapes sent to me (this goober music blogger’s dream). I recently got three different ones sent. First being…
The Nausea: Requiem
So genius how Requiem can create a tense build that somehow keeps going. I can attest that it is good background music for writing or any damn thing really.
Requiem is out of Vancouver BC, and being a fan of the Vancouver Canucks hockey team, I am thinking this would make for some pretty epic tension music before an important puck drop. Very cinematic.
Sansyou took care in creating a nice tape package, including putting it all on cobalt II tape, six page insert and PICKS! Yes I got some picks in the case. Nice atmosphere music too.
Sansyou runs out of DC. There are still cassettes of Spaces In Between available on Sansyou’s Bandcamp page.
ShangGORIL La Records
Such a bummer dude. This package from ShanGORIL La Records came open and empty. I am curious what made all the little dots on it. All the way from Hong Kong too and it cost them over $30 just to send it.
I don’t know what tape they sent me, but maybe it was Gateless Garden:
Nothing like a good cello tape to class up your day. Check out all of ShanGORIL La Records artists on their Bandcamp page.
If you are a label or band that would like to see your cassette on The Tape Player blog or newsletter, send it to:
The Tape Player co Mike Seay 2037 W. Bullard Ave #153 Fresno, CA 93711