I Have Added a Cassette Tape Forum (It’s Likely a Big Mistake)

What have I done and why have I done it?

  1. I started an old-school message board/forum for this blog.
  2. Because I miss blog forums.

You might be saying, “But Mike, there’s Reddit, Discord, Facebook Groups, Instagram comments, etc, for that stuff now!”

You’re right, but it’s all kind of exhausting. We’re too spread out. Scrolling too much. At least I am.

I thought it would be nice to hang out with and get info from a like-minded cassette tape playing music and analog loving community.

Social media only gives you want it wants you to see and then it goes away – message board stuff stays up and there is no algo’ involved.

Maybe I will be alone on the board. That would suck, but at least I would have this idea out of my system (I have been thinking about doing it for years on other blogs I have). And, quite frankly, I haven’t seen a good forum on even the best music blogs.

But maybe it will be cool too. I hope you join me.

Tape Pull: Sweeping Promises – Hunger For A Way Out

Just sharing a wonderful band and album I came across while letting the Bandcamp algo’ take me where it wanted me to go.

Perfect music for wandering the Internet as you enjoy a fruity IPA.

The Lawrence, Kansas, post-punk leaners, sound fresh and still familiar in the best way.

And of course, there is a tape to buy.

But at the time of writing this, there are only four left so I hope there is one for you, if interested. I myself am interested.

Holes In My Tape Collection: The Ramones

I was reflecting on Steve Albini’s death (like a lot of the music world has been doing) and listening to his 20 favorite songs.

One of them is “I Don’t Wanna Go Down To The Basement” by The Ramones from their 1977 self-titled album. It helped me realize that I do not possess this album, in any format, let alone cassette.

I need to fix this soon.

P.S. For a Steve Albini story you very likely haven’t heard, check out my friend Joshua Tehee’s local music newsletter where he tells the story of how a Fresno band was fortunate enough to have Albini engineer one of their albums.

Tape Finds: Larkin Poe “Blood Harmony” On Cassette

The almighty Instagram algorithm found a new-to-me (even though they are Grammy winners) folk rock band, Larkin Poe. Very nice stuff, enjoying it. So of course things get around to me asking “Does Larkin Poe have any cassette tapes?”

Turns out they have two. Two of the same album, Blood Harmony:

Two because the band (also sisters Rebecca & Megan) made a cassette tape for each sister. Very funny and rad. There is a Rebecca J-card and a Megan J-card.

I only feel bad for the sister that has the lesser-selling tape.