Cassette Releases for Record Store Day – April 20th 2024

It is a long list this time out for Record Store Day. I went through and pulled out all the tapes you might be able to find if you are out looking on Saturday. Have a seat and brace yourself…

End of list.

Yep, one cassette that is buried inside a box set. One. You can look for yourself, good luck finding something.

At least that is all that I saw as I went through the list. If you are an indie cassette label or band releasing a tape for Record Store Day, please let me know.

And yes, I know it’s RECORD Store Day and not Cassette Store Day. But there is no such thing as Cassette Store Day, even though there should be (maybe you and I should start it). So we need to glam-onto RSD.

Really though, the term Record Store, in this kind of context means a store that sells music. So it doesn’t have to be vinyl. It’s all music formats. Why are the cassette releases so weak?

I am probably missing something. Somebody has gotta be doing something for RSD in the cassette community that I am not aware of. If so, please clue me in.

thetapeplayerblog[@] or leave a comment and let me/us know.

Anway, enjoy some Black Breath at least:

-Mike The Tape Player

Ambient and Electronic Tapes: Temporal Waves

I was pleasantly surprised to receive new music from People Places Records in the mail the other day. They gave me the tape of Shawn Mativelsky’s new album, Temporal Waves.

Shawn is known for playing the tabla and is at the forefront of bringing the tabla into the electronic music world. Read more about it here.

I can attest it is nice (and sometimes intense) to have on while writing and having a good beer. It’s a great addition to any ambient cassette fan’s collection.

You can add the People Places cassette (like mine above) to your collection by going here and finding the Limited Edition Cassette tab and ordering. You heard it right?: Limited. So put the tabla down and go order it!

Everything is beautiful and that goes double for this cassette

I ran across this Everything’s Beautiful from Hiatus Kaiyote today on Instagram and thought I would share.

Look at how appealing that cassette is. I know nothing of the artist (they sound nice though), but I do know I love the look of that tape.

Seeing as I am broke (or very near it) all the time, I can’t go and knee-jerk-buy a tape from a band I know nothing about, but I would sure like to.

Maybe you can. You can find it on Merch Jungle, along with a Love Heart Cheat Code cassette that looks cool too. Hope you enjoy it if you get to add it to your collection.

Willie Nelson Cassette Tapes

A Willie Nelson tape lot on eBay

Some of the tapes and things I link to are affiliates of The Tape Player and I might get a little commission if you buy something.

What Are Some Good Willie Nelson Cassette Tapes to Buy?

The other night on CBS they aired the 90th birthday of Willie Nelson tribute concert at Hollywood Bowl. It was a great show. The concert reminded me how much I heard Willie’s music growing up.

It was inspiring and when music does that, it makes me want to post something to this blog.

Willie’s 90th was so good that I, of course, started thinking about what kind of Willie Nelson cassette tapes I could buy. Here is a list of good Willie Nelson tapes for me and you to buy:

That ought to get you on the right road. Other places to buy a Willie cassette:

  • Tape lots on eBay – At the moment there is this lot of five tapes, and this Willie lot too with nine tapes in it (pictured above), looks damn ass tempting. You’ll quickly get your tape collection Nelson’d with a lot.
  • TapeHead City. He always has something, changes from time to time.

The man has 74 (and counting) studio albums. That means there is a Texas-sized mountain of cassettes out there to find. Good luck hunting.

Check out some video from Willie’s Birthday party at the Hollywood Bowl for inspiration:

And we are not done yet. Even in his 90s, Willie Nelson is still touring. You can look on his site for a schedule. You can also look for tickets through the links below. Even if the show you want to go to is sold out, those sites still might have tickets.

While we are on the subject of Willie Nelson, my affiliate partner (Backstage Merch) has some nice Willie Nelson shirts.

Okay, that is enough Willie today. You might also be into a rare Dolly Parton tape.

-Mike The Tape Player

I’m Farming Metalcore Tapes From Peloton

Charlotte Weidenbach – likely listening to metalcore

Metalcore Cassette Tapes Inspired By a Peloton Instructor

One of my favorite instructors on Peloton (I am @TheBlogCycle there – if you happen to be) is Charlotte Weidenbach. One reason is she is a big metalhead. You don’t get to see that much out of the metal music fan bubble.

In a recent ride I took of hers she turned me onto four new-to-me metal/metalcore bands. And I of course wondered if they had tapes.

  • Bring Me the Horizon
  • Bad Omens.
  • We Came As Romans.
  • While She Sleeps.

As Charlotte would say “Hell Yes!”

Does Bring Me the Horizon have tapes?

Yes. They even have one coming out in January (Post Human white cassette with recycled paper) that you can pre-order on their website. There is also some rando stuff on eBay.

No tape of this, I assure you:

Does Bad Omens have tapes?

Yes. Their 2022 release, The Death Of Peace Of Mind, is out there. It sold rather quickly when it was released. There is plenty of vinyl on eBay and Amazon, but not the tape. I found it on Discogs, but not for sale.

This is a tough one to come by and should be put on any Bad Omens fan’s watchlist.

What About The Other Two Bands?!

I could not find tapes for We Came As Romans or While She Sleeps. Maybe there are some out there but I could not find them with my limited skills. We can still watch some videos of them too though:


Thanks for reading.