New (and old) Cassette Releases: Lightsabres, Bon Iver, LAGS!

None of the new albums (that I could see) out today (Friday, Feb 14th) had cassettes available. So I sorted through some fresh cassette releases, future album releases, and re-issues, that you (a fellow cassette nerd) might want to have a look at:

Lightsabres “Beheaded”

The album was originally released way back in October of 2015, but has been given new life with new physical media to buy. See on Bandcamp if you dig it.

Bon Iver “Sable,fAble”

Find it on Bandcamp. (It doesn’t ship until April 11th)

LAGS “Soon”

This is another release of an older album. I don’t know that this would be considered a reissue but more like a new physical release. Italian post-hardcore band, pretty nice stuff. On Bandcamp.

Caput Medusae’s “You Can’t Negotiate With Zombies”

New wave and post-punk from Germany, their debut album with cassette on Bandcamp.

Zachary Reid “My Return To The Ground Will Be Lonely”

I had to find something Ambient to get in here. Another old one but new one tape, this is from Tucson’s, Zachary Reid and can be bought through (you guessed it), Bandcamp.

Hope you discovered something worthy enough to buy or it sent you down a rabbit hole of new-to-you music, at least. Don’t forget your blank tapes.

-Mikey The Tape Player

I Got a New Tape: Tele-Electrica Superbas Vol 1.

tele electrica cassette tape superbas

Big thanks to Chris for sending me his new cassette Tele-Electrica Superbas Vol 1.

I listened to it, sides a & b, in one sitting while scrolling the internets and writing blog posts.

I have to say that it is excellent music to scroll and write to. I especially liked “Praying”, “Pothole Musique” and “I’m All of What I Can’t Be”. Chris felt this music would sound best on tape and I agree.

Sounds, shades, and tone wonders, it truly is, in the best way.

Remeber, I love getting free cassettes to listen to. If you are a musician or label and want to send me a tape because you are super cool, send to:

The Tape Player co Mike Seay
2037 W. Bullard Ave #153
Fresno, CA 93711

New Cassette Release: Franz Ferdinand – The Human Fear

I noticed today, as I read on one of the music websites (okay, it was Pitchfork), that Franz Ferdinand has a new album out, The Human Fear.

Of course, my first question was “Did they make a tape?” Most of the time it is “no” but not today, they did make a tape!

The cassette is going for $16, which is pricey, especially when the CD is $17 (and only $14 on Amazon). I am not sure what to say about that, does that mean the cassette is getting so much respect the record company feels it is nearly as valuable as a CD?

This is cool. But also, the cheaper price is a major factor in collecting tapes – I hope these prices are only a major release of a new album, prices, and not the new norm.

Of the three free preview songs on their Bandcamp, my favorite is “Night Or Day”

Heads up!: At the time of posting this, there are only seven cassettes left.

P.S. Look at what tickets are going for FOR their album-supporting tour, here.


Oh look, an affiliate!; search for tickets, yo!:

The Cure: Songs Of A Lost World Cassette

An incredible thing is happening this month. The Cure released a new album, Songs Of A Lost World, and it topped charts of all kinds in the United States.

It’s a pretty wild things for a band of their age to be topping charts with a new album. It should happen way more but it rarely does. Good for The Cure and good for music. We all need to be paying attention more when “way past their prime” bands come out with new stuff.

Anyway, I was pleased to see that The Cure came out with cassette tapes for their, now-acclaimed, new album. You can pre-order them on their website – there is a limited amount so don’t dick around, waiting to buy them.

Growing up I would have never considered myself a Cure fan, but, not too long ago, I saw The Cure play at Shoreline Amphitheater in the South Bay and they were so good, I became a fan.

My fandom is now solidified after watching their live show for the album release: