An incredible thing is happening this month. The Cure released a new album, Songs Of A Lost World, and it topped charts of all kinds in the United States.
It’s a pretty wild things for a band of their age to be topping charts with a new album. It should happen way more but it rarely does. Good for The Cure and good for music. We all need to be paying attention more when “way past their prime” bands come out with new stuff.
Anyway, I was pleased to see that The Cure came out with cassette tapes for their, now-acclaimed, new album. You can pre-order them on their website – there is a limited amount so don’t dick around, waiting to buy them.
Growing up I would have never considered myself a Cure fan, but, not too long ago, I saw The Cure play at Shoreline Amphitheater in the South Bay and they were so good, I became a fan.
My fandom is now solidified after watching their live show for the album release: