The New ‘Idles’ Dancer Video Has a Tape Player…so that’s cool

English post-punk badasses, Idles, has a new album TANGK (February), and a new song that features somebody using a Walkman… at least I think it is. Actually I don’t think it is. Well it’s rad either way, yes?

Check it for yourself, you’ll see:

It just says “detachable cassette player” on her tape player. Not sure if that what the actual player says of if that is a prop. It might be a Jensen, but I couldn’t find a match.

But do they have a cassette tape version of their new album?

No. It does not appear they do. A quick check of their website reveals no cassette tape being released for TANGK.

Are there tapes of any previous Idles stuff?

Yes. Well, actually, their website has a tape available in December called “Crawler” (a previous album) and it looks pretty nice and I want it.

There is also a tape that exists for Ultra Mono but it’s currently not available on Amazon.

And I looked for it on eBay but it isn’t there at the moment. Gotta add it to the list of tapes to look out for (which is kinda fun anyway).

*Related reading: A new Doly Parton cassette that is hard to find.