The Top Cassette Tape Websites and Blogs

Hi. It’s Mikey The Tape Player here – playing tapes because I don’t have to.

Today we are going to figure out how to start collecting cassette tapes. Where are the best places to begin learning?

I have been looking around the Internet and these are the best blogs, websites, newsletters, and boards I have found for tape collecting, tape players, and cassette nerds. Hopefully, there are some you don’t know about yet and you’ll be all “Oh rad! I didn’t know about this one!”

  • Tabs Out. A hilarious podcast that plays tapes of mostly experimental music from dedicated tape labels. Also, reviews submitted tapes.
  • Tapehead City. On online tape store, the ultimate spot for buying new releases and hard-to-find tapes.
  • Cassette Chronicles. This is a series on a website that looks back at some old albums and the tapes that were released around it.
  • Cassette Gods. It’s an old cassette review blog that was thought to be retired, but they did just put up a post wondering if anyone is still around. We are.
  • Cassette Comeback. A great website for buying sealed blank tapes and tape players.
  • The Cassette Place. A website for buying old tapes.
  • National Audio Company. A manufacturer and packager of actual tapes.
  • Retospekt. The place to buy portable tape players.
  • Cassette. A good community on Reddit.
  • Cassette Culture. Another good Reddit community.
  • Cassette tapes on eBay. I mean, we have all bought tapes on eBay, yeah?

I will come back to this post and add blogs or sites when I find another one worthy.

Links to Cassette Tape History and Important Collector Posts

Photo Ryan J Lane/Getty Images

I have been trying to learn about what I have been missing out on with tape collecting and the history of it. There has always been a huge nostalgia element for me but I have left it there, previously – not letting myself go down the tape nerd rabbit hole.

But now I am ready to listen deeper and find out more. So, here are some posts that I found to help me and I hope they will help you.

Key Videos For Tape Collecting

There is a pretty decent amount of cassette tape related YouTube channels and videos. I am just showing a couple of basic starting out relevant videos – I will do another post with some of the best people to be following.

A positive take on why cassettes right now:

And a more negative? stance:

Okay, hope this helps you start or solidify your tape collecting. If there are any you think I missed, please feel free to comment on this post with the website I missed.

Soon I will be digging into the E-Bay and Amazon world of collecting tapes and I will rewind and playback my experiences.

For my related reading, check my blank cassette tape post.

For more related reading, my list of music blogs (best).